About Poetess

How to Contribute to the Archive

The Poetess Archive is being peer-reviewed by Romantic Circles for inclusion in NINES (Networked Interface for Nineteenth-century Electronic Scholarship). The British Romantic, Victorian, and American editorial boards of NINES have been constituted. The intention and expectation is that the Poetess Archive site will be incorporated into the network of NINES scholarship when the publication mechanisms for NINES materials are operating. Participating in NINES will guarantee the scholarly quality of the texts that appear here. Moreover, following NINES guidelines will insure the longevity of the texts housed by this site (it will insure that they need never go "out of print," so to speak, for technical reasons) and allow use of NINES Tools with any text available at the Poetess Archive.

Welcome are contributions of primary or secondary texts, published and unpublished literary criticism of the poetess as well as poetess poetry and criticisim contemporaneous with poetess production (you may send whole texts, or simply references). Contributors are also welcome to submit scholarly and pedagogical explanatory materials that will be linked to primary texts housed here. Our goal is to foster increased interest in, teaching of, and essays about poetess poetry. Should you wish to contribute an original critical essay, please see the guidelines for contributing to the Poetess Archive Journal.

All full-text materials lodged at this site have been peer reviewed by Romantic Circles and NINES.

If you would like to contribute materials, essays, bibiograhical items, or other information, please contact

Laura Mandell, Dir.
Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture
Texas A&M University
440 Liberal Arts and Humanities Bldg
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227