The Keepsake for 1842

Poetess Archive: Collections

List of the Plates, The Keepsake for 1842      

List of Plates

front Engraved Title; (art.) Cox, David; (eng.) Radclyffe, Edward
front H. R. H. Prince Albert; (art.) Drummond, W.; (eng.) Robinson, Henry
67 The Surprise; (art.) Corbould, Edward H.; (eng.) Heath, Alfred T.
71 View of the Hudson; (art.) Creswick, Thomas; (eng.) Willmore, James T.
77 The Lady Jemima Heatherfield; (art.) Stone, Frank; (eng.) Heath, Frederick A.
100 Agnes of Cheynholme; (art.) Keeling; (eng.) Rolls, Charles
117 The Ring; (art.) Corbould, Edward H.; (eng.) Stocks, Lumb
155 The Church of St. Pierre at Caen; (art.) Roberts, David, R. A; (eng.) Roberts, Edward J.
191 The Lady Emmeline; (art.) Drummond, W.; (eng.) Roberts, Edward J.
219 The Mountain Child; (art.) Poole, P. F.; (eng.) Heath, Charles
230 The Pearl-Hilted Poignard; (art.) Cattermole, George; (eng.) Brain, John
232 The Serenade; (art.) Liverseege, H.; (eng.) Heath, Charles
244 Teresina; (art.) Poole, P. F.; (eng.) Heath, Charles

Date: 1842 (Web page revisions: 04/28/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Zach Weir).
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