Heath's Book of Beauty for 1837

Poetess Archive: Collections

Table of Contents, Heath's Book of Beauty for 1837      

Table of Contents

1 Beta. Madonna; [Poetry/3 pages]
4 Gell. Sir. Romantic History Arabs in Spain; [Prose/26 pages]
30 Strangford, Viscount. Triolet, from Cabestaing; [Poetry/2 pages]
32 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George. Juliet's Tomb in Verona; [Poetry/1 pages]
38 Nugent, Lord. Verses, "Take my last gyfte"; [Prose/6 pages]
39 Craven, Keppel Richard. Francesca Pignatelli; [Prose/54 pages]
92 Stuart-Wortley, Lady Emmeline. Lines, "O human beauty !"; [Poetry/3 pages]
95 Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary Conversation; [Prose/10 pages]
105 Chalon, A.. On a Portrait of Lady Sikes; [Poetry/1 pages]
106 Conyngham, Lord Albert. The Aspen, from Weisflog; [Poetry/2 pages]
108 Lowther, John Henry. Have I Then Still a Heart for Thee?; [Poetry/2 pages]
110 Wilkinson, John Gardner. An Eastern Story; [Prose/6 pages]
116 Bury, Lady Charlotte. On the Cascade of Chede; [Poetry/3 pages]
119 Bernal, Ralph. Could Any Other Conclusion; [Prose/17 pages]
136 Procter, Bryan W. (Barry Cornwall). Lady to Her Lover's Picture; [Poetry/2 pages]
138 Shee, Sir Martin Archer. Grace Falkiner; [Prose/36 pages]
174 Denison, Joseph William. Death of Cleopatra; [Poetry/3 pages]
177 Lennox, Lord William. Bride of Walsingham; [Prose/9 pages]
186 Disraeli, Benjamin. To Maiden Sleeping after First Ball; [Poetry/2 pages]
188 Blessington, Countess (Power, M). The Honey-moon; [Poetry/5 pages]
202 Tynte, C. J. Kemeys. Paraphrase of Cap. 93, Al-Koran; [Poetry/2 pages]
205 Hall, Mrs. S. C. (Anna Maria). Minna Mordaunt; [Prose/9 pages]
214 De Vere, Sir Aubrey. Dramatic Fragments; [Poetry/2 pages]
215 De Vere, Sir Aubrey. The Past; [Poetry/1 pages]
216 Fairlie, Mrs.. The Two Funerals; [Poetry/7 pages]
223 Blessington, Countess (Power, M). Felicite'; [Poetry/2 pages]
225 Talfourd, Sergeant Thomas Noon. Prologue to Ion; [Poetry/3 pages]
228 Chorley, Henry F.. To a Lady Reading; [Poetry/2 pages]
230 Sheridan, Miss Louisa H.. The Last Letter; [Poetry/2 pages]
232 Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (L. E. L.). Scene in the Life of Nourmahhal; [Poetry/9 pages]
241 Bulwer, Henry Lytton. To Myra; [Poetry/4 pages]
245 Talbot, Robert. Death in Masquerade; [Poetry/3 pages]
248 Smith, James. Sun and Moon; [Poetry/1 pages]
249 Holme, Mrs. Margaret Torre. Genius, from Victor Hugo; [Poetry/2 pages]
251 Methuen, Paul. To _ on her Birthday; [Poetry/1 pages]
252 Disraeli, Benjamin. Calantha; [Poetry/4 pages]
256 Atwell, Miss. Youth; [Poetry/1 pages]
257 Berkeley, Grantley F.. Lines, "Come, come to me"; [Poetry/2 pages]
259 Landor, Walter Savage. Farewell to Italy; [Poetry/1 pages]
260 Reynolds, Frederic Mansel. Inscription in an Annual; [Poetry/1 pages]
261 Chorley, John Rutter. Madrigal, "I marked when last"; [Poetry/2 pages]
263 Somerville, William. To the "Book of Beauty"; [Poetry/2 pages]

Date: 1837 (Web page revisions: 04/27/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Zach Weir).
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