- Table of Contents, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book for 1842
- Preface to the Public
- The Sala Regia
- Lore Lay
- The Chamois-Hunters Faith
- Constantinople
- The Great Temple, Balbec
- The Medak, or Eastern Story-Teller
- Sir Astley Paston Cooper
- Valley of Dhoon
- The Three Sisters
- The City of Pestilence
- A Dream of Life
- The Cypress Tree
- The Prodigal's Return
- The Temple of Jupiter Olympius, Athens
- Hall of the Council
- Heidelberg on the Neckar
- The Jew's Daughter of Pergamus
- Palermo Cathedral
- Mohammed Ali
- Damon and Pythias
- Ali Pacha
- The Fair Maids of Einerslie
- The Fakeer's Rock
- Elysian Fields
- St. Paul's Chapel
- The Interior of a Harem
- A Wounded Heart at Messina
- Lord Viscount Palmerston, G.C.B.
- The Maiden's Tower on the Bosphorus
- Ferry over the Orontes
- Boaz and Ruth
- The Palace at Eyoub, Constantinople
- Household Virtues
- Wynyard-Durham
- Sir Anthony Carlisle, F.R.S.
- Algiers
- List of the Plates, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book for 1842
- Frontispiece, The Medak or Eastern Story Teller
- The Sala Regia
- Bacharach on the Rhine
- The Chamois-Hunters Faith
- Constantinople
- The Great Temple, Balbec
- Sir Astley Paston Cooper
- Valley of Dhoon
- The Three Sisters
- The City of Pestilence
- A Dream of Life
- The Cyress Tree
- The Prodigal's Return
- The Temple of Jupiter Olympius, Athens
- Hall of the Council, Doges Palace, Venice
- Heidelberg on the Neckar
- The Jew's Daughter of Pergamus
- Palermo Cathedral
- Mohammed Ali
- Tomb of Ali Pacha
- The Fair Maids of Einerlie
- The Fakeer's Rock on the Ganges
- Elysian Fields
- St. Paul's Chapel
- The Interior of a Harem
- Port of Messina
- Lord Viscount Palmerston
- The Maiden's Tower on the Bosphorus
- Ferry over the Orontes
- Boaz and Ruth
- The Palace of Eyoub, Constantinople
- Household Virtues
- Wynyard-Durham
- Sir Anthony Carlisle, F. R. S.
- Bazaar of the Fig Tree, Algiers
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