for 1834

Poetess Archive: Collections

List of the Plates, Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book for 1834      

List of Plates

Frontispiece, Vignette Title, (art.) Harlowe, G. H. ; (eng.) Meyer, Henry .
Frontispiece, Temple of Kylas, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Challis, Ebenezer .
3 Ruins, Old Delhi, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Lacey, Samuel .
4 Interior of Dher Warra, (art.) Cattermole, George ; (eng.) Woolnoth, Thomas .
4 Dus Awlar, Caves of Ellora, (art.) Cattermole, George ; (eng.) Woolnoth, Thomas .
4 The Fortress of Dowlulabad, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Sands, Robert .
6 Tomb of Ibraham Padshah, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Higham, Thomas .
6 Bejapore, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Jeavons, Thomas .
6 The Taj Bowlee, Bejapore, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Redaway, James C.
6 Mosque of Mustapha Khan, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Finden, William .
8 Tomb of Shere Shah, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Le Petit, William A.
8 Ackbar's Tomb, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Rolph, John .
14 A Ruin on the Banks of Jumma, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Taylor, William .
21 The Jumma Musjid, Mandoo, (art.) Austin, Samuel ; (eng.) Kernott, James H.
21 Perawa, Maliva, (art.) Cotman, J. S. ; (eng.) Le Petit, William A.
21 The Pass of Makundra, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Le Petit, William A.
27 Jerdair, a Hill Village, (art.) Cox, David ; (eng.) Higham, Thomas .
32 Ruins, South Side of Delhi, (art.) Boys, Thomas ; (eng.) Hamilton, G.
34 John Philip Kemble, Esq., (art.) Lawrence, Sir Thomas ; (eng.) Adcock, George H.
35 Sefton Church, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Lowry, Joseph W.
37 The Dancing Girl, (art.) Unidentified ; (eng.) Unidentified .
38 Teignmouth, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Bentley, Joseph C.
40 The Duchess of Sutherland, (art.) Phillips, Thomas, R. ; (eng.) Freeman, Samuel .
41 Airey Force, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Bentley, Joseph C.
42 The Reply of the Fountain, (art.) Liverseege, H. ; (eng.) Smith, Edward .
44 The Wishing Gate, (art.) Serres, S. F. ; (eng.) Floyd, William .
45 Grassmere Lake, (art.) Pickering, G. ; (eng.) Mottram, Charles .
47 The Rt. Rev. Daniel Wilson, D. D., (art.) Howard, F. ; (eng.) Cochran, John .
48 Hebe, (art.) Unidentified ; (eng.) Unidentified .
49 Shuhur, Jeypore, (art.) Purser, William ; (eng.) Heath, Percy .
50 Preston, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Le Petit, William A.
52 Interior of Exeter Cathedral, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Challis, Ebenezer .
52 The Triad Figure, Cave of Elephanta, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Woolnoth, Thomas .
53 Cawnpore, (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S. ; (eng.) Mottram, Charles .
54 Coneston Water, (art.) Allom, Thomas ; (eng.) Le Petit, William A.
54 The Visionary, (art.) Liverseege, H. ; (eng.) Engleheart, Francis .

Date: 1834 (Web page revisions: 07/28/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Zach Weir).
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