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Elizabeth InchbaldREMARKS [on Macbeth]. 1

In this grand tragic opera is combined that which is terrific, sublime, infernal. Spirits are called from the bottomless pit, to give additional horror to the crimes which are here perpetrated. Yet supernatural agency is produced and conducted by such natural means, that spectators return again to their childish credulity, and tremble, as in the nursery, at a witch and a goblin.

It is impossible to contemplate the consistent disposition of able actors, of appropriate habiliments, and of picturesque scenery, with which this tragedy is now embellished, at the London theatres, and not boldly demand—where was Garrick's taste, his innovating judgment, his common sense, and common feelings, as a connoisseur in his art, that he could perform this historical tragedy2Macbeth, of ancient Scotland—with the characters dressed in coats, waistcoats, and hats, so as to place the scene in modern times, or every scene in England.

Garrick had taste, it is said; and so, they say, had his admirers: yet, taste like this, would be now exploded.—So, it might be insinuated, perhaps, would be the acting of those days, could it have been pre-b 2[Page 4]served, along with the old attire, for the inspection of critics of the present era.

On this impossibility the actor's art triumphs over, yet sinks beneath, every other. He has no rivals to vanquish, but cotemporaries. He has no former artists to excel, but such as cannot come forth to claim the preference, or to crouch to superior skill.

The story of Macbeth is founded on Scottish history, and may be traced in the works of many writers. But, in a production called "Shakspeare Illustrated,"3 every event of that usurper's life is collected from different histories, and given at large.

So conspicuous are the various excellencies contained in this tragedy, there is no cause whatever to point them out to the reader; for, if he cannot see them at once, it is vain to direct his sight.

But to those, who are unacquainted with the effect wrought by theatrical action and decoration, it may not be superfluous to say—The huge rocks, the enormous caverns, and blasted heaths of Scotland, in the scenery;—the highland warrior's dress, of centuries past, worn by the soldiers and their generals;—the splendid robes and banquet at the royal court held at Fores;4 —the awful, yet inspiring music, which accompanies words assimilated to each sound;—and, above all—the fear, the terror, the remorse;—the agonizing throbs and throes, which speak in looks, whispers, sudden starts, and writhings, by Kemble and Mrs. Siddons, all tending to one great precept—Thou shalt not murder,—render this play one of the most impressive moral lessons which the stage exhibits.

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It was the tragedy of Macbeth, which conferred upon Shakspeare the distinguished honour of receiving a letter, written with his sovereign's own hand, James the First, in testimony of his high admiration of the work!5

Steevens calls this play, "The first of all dramatic enjoyments."6

Johnson says, in apology for some occurrences contained in it, "I know not whether it may not be said, in defence of some parts which now seem improbable, that, in Shakspeare's time, it was necessary to warn credulity against vain and delusive predictions."7

b 3

1.  "Remarks." Macbeth; A Tragedy, In Five Acts; By William Shakspeare. As Performed at the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane. Printed Under the Authority of the Managers From the Prompt Book. With Remarks by Mrs. Inchbald, London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster Row, pp. 3-5. The British Theatre; or, A Collection of Plays, Which Are Acted At the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed Under the Authority of the Managers from the Prompt Books. With Biographical and Critical Remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. In Twenty-Five Volumes. Vol. IV. King Lear. Cymbeline. Macbeth. Julius Cæsar. Antony and Cleopatra. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster Row. 1808. The first performance of this play was staged at the Globe Theatre in 1606. Laura DeWitt and Mary A. Waters edited this essay for The Criticism Archive. Back

2.  In 1744, David Garrick assumed the role of Macbeth, advertising his performance to be "as Shakespeare wrote it," rather than the then-standard version adapted by Sir William Davenant. However, Garrick's claim was misleading, as he retained many of Davenant's popular changes and added a lengthy monologue for Macbeth which he himself wrote. Back

3.  The Whole Historical Dramas of William Shakspeare Illustrated, by an Assemblage of Portraits of the Royal, Noble, and Other Persons Mentioned, Together with Those of Commentators, Actors, and Views of Castles, Towns, &c., (Engraved by Harding) with Short Biographical and Topographical Accounts (1793). Back

4.  Castle Forres is the home of Duncan, King of Scotland prior to his murder by Macbeth. Back

5.  It is believed that Macbeth was written, in part, as a form of flattery to King James I, who was a patron of Shakespeare's acting company. Macbeth played to James' Scottish heritage, support of witch trials, and particular detestation for regicide following the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 (an unsuccessful attempt on James' life). James also believed himself to be a descendent of Banquo, a Scottish general in the army of Duncan, King of Scotland. Back

6.  From The Plays of William Shakspeare, With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators (1793), vol. 7, p. 322. Back

7.  From The Plays of William Shakespeare, With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators (1765), vol. 6, p. 484. Back