Vol. 1, no. 1
12 April 2007

Defining the 'Poetess'
Virginia Jackson and Eliza Richards, 'The Poetess' and Nineteenth-Century American Women Poets
Defining Poetic Media
Katherine Harris, Borrowing, Altering, and Perfecting the Literary Annual
Laura Mandell, Putting Contents on the Table: The Disciplinary Anthology and the Discipline of English Literature
Laura Mandell, A Bibliography of Poetry Collections, Print History, and Theorizing Print Culture
The Database
David Woods, Laura Mandell, The Poetess Meets IT: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Submission Guidelines

The Poetess Archive Journal welcomes essays, whether conventionally constructed or digitally-born, on the topic of poetry and poetry criticism / theory dealing with poems and criticism published between 1750 and 1900 in Britain and America. The essays and electronic critical essays need not discuss the Poetess or poetry written in the Poetess tradition -- that is, it may focus on other kinds of poetry written between 1750 and 1800 -- but it should reflect an awareness of competing poetic traditions and aesthetics.

Digitally-Born: You may wish to compose an essay using the exhibit feature of the NINES Collex Tool (available August 2007). Laura Mandell has composed a slide-show introduction to the tool, and you may see an example of an essay composed using the tool at the Rossetti Archive.

There is no size limit for essays submitted, but articles must continuously hold the readers' interest and amply reward their expenditures of time.

Authors will retain copyright of their essays, but the essay must reside on the server at the University of Maryland. Traditional essays will be TEI-encoded by the editors of the Poetess Archive, a boon should any print-based publisher wish to reprint the article. We ask those reprinting articles elsewhere to mention their appearance here first, citing volume, issue, date, and URL:

Author Last Name, First Name. Poetess Archive Journal 1.1 (2007).
         DD Month YYYY [your date of access]

Submissions should be prerpared according to the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing with the exception that italics should be used instead of underlining for proper coding.

Submit to Laura Mandell

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