The Forget Me Not Literary Annual for 1829

Poetess Archive: Collections

Table of Contents, Forget Me Not, A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1829     

Table of Contents


["Appealing by the magic of its name," By L. E. L. on Title Page] [i]
[Preface] [iii]
Marcus Curtius [Engraving] 1
Mont Blanc. By the Rev. Charles Strong 6
The Retreat. By James Montgomery, Esq. 7
The Sculptured Children. On Chantrey's Monument at Lichfield. By Mrs. Hemans 11
The Hour too Many 13
Langsyne. By Delta [aka D.L. Moir] 23
St. Mary of the Lows. By James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd 25
The Christian. By M.E. Beaufort 29
Ellen Strathallan. A Fairy Legend. By Mrs. Pickersgill [Engraving] 31
From an Absentee. By Barry Cornwall [aka B.W. Procter] 38
Recollections of Père la Chaise [Signed H.P.] 39
The Guiding Star. By the late Edward Knight, Esq. of Drury Lane Theatre 52
Xerxes. By Charles Swain, Esq. Author of Metrical Essays on Subjects of History and Imagination 53
A Father's Legacy to his Children. By James Kenney, Esq. 56
Eliza Carthago. By Mrs. Bowdich 57
The Faithful Guardian. By John Bird, Esq. [Engraving] 65
Epitaph on a Gnat, found crushed on the Leaf of a Lady's Album. By James Montgomery, Esq. 67
Song. By John Clare 68
Terence O'Flaherty. By A Modern Pythagorean [aka Robert MacNish] 69
Phaon in Sicily. [Signed A.K.] 83

Tintagel Castle. By John Michell, Esq. [Boyle attributes this poem to Major Nicholas Michell] 85
Impromptu on Waste. By the late E[dward] Knight, Esq. 88
The Enthusiast on the Waters. By the Rev. Richard Polwhele 89
To the New Year. By the Rev. George Downes, A.M. 92
The Village of Scheveling. A Dutch Legend of 1530. By Charles Swain, Esq. 93
The Euthanasia. A Story of Modern Greece [Signed E??] [Engraving] 95
Lights and Shades [Signed F.H.] 120
To the Altar of St. George's Church, Hanover Square. By James Bird, Esq. 121
St. Peter walking on the Sea. By Mrs. Henry Rolls 122
Ballad. By Miss Emma Roberts 124
To a Wood-Dove. By Mrs. Bray, Author of De Foix, etc. 125
Sonnet. By Mrs. Emmerson 126
Banks of the Ganges. By Captain M'Naghten [Engraving] 127
The Prophet in the Wilderness. Lines on an Engraving, by Martin. By the Author of "Nugæ Sacræ," etc. [aka William Ball] 130
The Cornet's Widow. By John Bird, Esq. 131
To the Sea [Signed F.H.] 144
On a Portrait. By Delta [aka D.L. Moir] 145
Woman's Eye. By the Rev. J.H. Caunter, B.D. 148
The Zanteote Lovers [Signed H. T**y.] 149
Constancy. By James Bird, Esq. [Engraving] 157
Constancy. By Charles Swain, Esq. 162
Friendship. By the Rev. Francis Skurray, B.D. Author of Bidcombe Hill 164
The Houri. A Persian Tale. By the late Henry Neele, Esq. 165
To the Moss Rose. By Miss Agnes Strickland, Author of Worcester Field, etc. 178
The Spell [Signed F.H.] 180
The Light-House. By the Rev. George Woodley [Engraving] 181
Time's Takings and Leavings. By Bernard Barton 183

The Funeral Boat. A Legend. By Miss Louisa Stuart Costello 185
Sunset. By the Rev. Charles Strong 192
Giuseppe Guercino [Signed Rosa] 193
Song [Signed R.F.H. aka R.F. Housman] 208
Frolic in a Palace. By W.H. Harrison, Esq. [Engraving] 209
St. Andrew's. By the Author of Tales and Sketches [aka Jacob Ruddiman] 215
On the Reappearance of the Seventh Pleiad. By Miss Isabel Hill, Author of Constance, Zaphna, etc. 216
Lost and Won. A Village Sketch. By Miss Mary Russell Mitford 217
The Vale of Ide. By John Bowring, Esq. 228
Bridal Greetings. By James Montgomery, Esq. 229
Concha Veneris. By the Rev. Richard Polwhele 230
Sir Baldred's Farewell. By Delta [aka D.L. Moir] 231
The Rainbow [Signed H. T**y.] 233
Truth, Youth, and Age. An Apologue. By Charles Swain, Esq. 234
The Musician of Augsburg. By Derwent Conway, Author of Solitary Walks through Many Lands [aka Henry D. Inglis] 235
Sonnet. By Richard Howitt 244
The Proposal. By Mrs. Cornwell Baron Wilson [Engraving] 245
The Warrior's Death. By Frederic Shoberl, Jun. 249
Rebecca parting with Jacob. By Miss Emily Taylor 251
The Maid of the Beryl. By Mrs. Hofland 253
The Destroyer. By Miss Eliza Rennie 267
Man [Signed Leontine] 269
The Tears of the Dead. By Mrs. Harriet Downing 271
On a Child killed by Lightning. By John Clare 272
The Magician of Vicenza [Engraving] 273
Reason's Victory. By Miss Agnes Strickland 283
Presumption Reproved. By W.H. Harrison, Esq. 285
Woman's Love. By Mrs. Cockle 289
To Poesy [Signed R.F.H. aka R.F. Housman] 291
Memorials of a Schoolfellow. By the Rev. Henry Stebbing, A.M. [Engraving] 293

Woman and Music. By Wm. Cooke Stafford, Esq. 304
On a Heavy Fall of Snow. By the Rev. W.B. Clarke 305
On Sickness. By the Author of "Nugæ Sacræ," [aka William Ball] 307
The Sonneteer [Signed R.J. aka Richard Johns] 308
Eastern Apologues. By James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd.
    The Divinity of Song
    The Beauty of Women
    Maxims of Sadac, the Son of Azor 309
The Matrimonial Rule. Inscribed in the Album of a Young Lady on the Eve of Marriage. By the Editor of Forget Me Not [Frederic Shoberl] 324
To a Butterfly. By the Rev. George Woodley 325
Last Lines. By Charles Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. 326
Farewell to a Friend, on his Departure for America [Signed J.F.] 327
To Beauty. By the Rev. Charles Strong 328
The Country Kitchen. By Miss Mitford [Engraving] 329
The Wish. By the Editor of Forget Me Not [Signed F.S. aka Frederick Shoberl] 330
The Goldsmith of Westcheap. By the Author of London in the Olden Time [aka Miss H. Lawrance] 331
The Blind Piper. By Delta [aka D.L. Moir] [Engraving] 365
On the Wreck of a Vessel. By Montague Seymour 368
The Rover's Farewell to his Mistress. By Miss Susannah Strickland [aka Mrs. Moodie in Boyle] 369
Ovid in Pontus. By Barry Cornwall [aka B.W. Procter] 370
The Maniac. By the Rev. J. Hobart Caunter, B.D. 371
Lydford Bridge. By N.T. Carrington 380
The Red Flag at the Fore. By the Old Sailor [aka M.H. Barker] 383
Sonnet composed off Ætolia. By Charles Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. 402
Alice. By W.H. Harrison, Esq. [Engraving] 403
On the Recitation of Palestine, a Prize Poem, by Reginald Heber. By Miss LËtitia Jermyn 410
To an Evening Star. By F. Muller 411
Remembrance. By Miss Keating 413
Remorse. By [Major] Nicholas Michell 415
Song. By James Kenney, Esq. 418

Date: 1829 (Web page revisions: 04/22/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Laura Mandell).
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