The Forget Me Not Literary Annual for 1823

Poetess Archive: Collections

[Poetical] Address,      

[Poetical] Address, [Anonymous]


               Another year is gone and past,
          Nor life, nor time, was made to last:
          As through the months which are no more,
               So through the time now passing o'er,
          I said, and say, each fleeting day,     5

                    Forget Me Not.

          While the chill Winter's bound in frost,
          And Nature's gayest beauty's lost;
          While the crackling dry faggots blaze,
               And echoing songs the Minstrels raise;     10
          Through day or night, 'mid your delight,

                    Forget Me Not.

          When Phoebus calls the blooming Spring,
          And tells the nightingale to sing;
          When other strains, and other measures,     15
               Awake the soul to softer pleasures;
          Amid the day, while zephyrs play,

                    Forget Me Not.

          When Summer bids its bounty yield
          The yellow harvests of the field;     20
          When rural sports the hear employ
               In many a festival of joy;
          Amid those hours, in shady bowers,

                    Forget Me Not.

          When Autumn's loaded branches shine,     25
          And bursting clusters give their wine;
          When the yearly sun grows old,
               And heat begins to yield to cold,
          While the leaves fall -- within the hall

                    Forget Me Not.     30

          Through ev'ry change and chance of time,
          In life's first days, in pleasure's prime;
          Or, in advancing years, when age
          Begins to mark life's closing page;
          Through the varying seasons all,     35
               Whate'er my lot, FORGET ME NOT,
          And keep my gift, though the gift be small.

Date: 1823 (Web page revisions: 04/22/2006) Author: [Anonymous] (Web page revisions: Laura Mandell).
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