The Forget Me Not Literary Annual for 1837

Poetess Archive: Collections

List of the Plates, Forget Me Not, A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1837     

List of Plates

front Lady Blanche; (art.) Parris, E. T.; (eng.) Rolls, Charles
9 The Sorceress; (art.) Corbaux, Fanny; (eng.) Perlam, G. A.
49 The Spirit of the Flower; (art.) Wood, John; (eng.) Hall, Henry. B.
77 Tajo de Ronda; (art.) Lewis, F. C.; (eng.) Rolls, Charles
117 The Doge's Palace, Venice; (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S.; (eng.) Carter, James
161 Faithful Carlo; (art.) Landseer, Edwin, A.; (eng.) Rolls, Charles
193 Annabel's Dream; (art.) Setchell, Miss; (eng.) Stocks, Lumb
263 The Sleeping Beauty; (art.) Wood, John; (eng.) Bacon, Frederick
293 Puss and Poetess; (art.) Parker, H. P.; (eng.) Engleheart, Timothy
353 The Bridal Toilet; (art.) Cattermole, George; (eng.) Bacon, Frederick
P P Presentation Plate; (art.) Parris, E. T.; (eng.) Kelsall, W. H.

Date: 1837 (Web page revisions: 04/22/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Laura Mandell).
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